Our mission: Release two captive young possums back to the wild. Penny met us at Wild Bird Rescue with two possums. MyMrMallory and I loaded the crate containing the two fellows into the white jalopy, then drove into the countryside, as far away from civilization as humanly possible.
Along the way, we drove across fields of flowers. The countryside remains covered in flowers, delightfully. Cows watched us drive through the brush toward the lake.
Finally, we came to our destination, Duck Lake, where we released the two fellows.
Frogs hopped into the lake as we approached. No, we cannot see them in the photo above. I wish I could have spotted them before they disappeared into the water!
Hesitant, the possums remained in the soft bedding inside the cozy crate.
Slowly, they investigated, sniffing before every step they took, and then, together they ambled under the grove of trees, disappearing under the broom brush.