Except as noted, all images copyrighted by and should be attributed to E B Hawley.
I had become many eons ago a traveling literary gnome, inquisitive about places I had and had not visited,
walking the same paths of peoples from the past, through places once grand and still grand,
photographing images that now show me the places about which I still dream . . .

Monday, January 7, 2013

Dogs Hunting Hogs

     As MyMrMallory and I wandered about in the countryside, we came upon quite a sight, well, quite a sight for this town gnome. We saw two all-terrain vehicles piled with several men and dogs. The dogs alone were a sight to see. A couple of them stood on the hood, noses up, vigilant for the odor of wild hogs; they had dogs that wore protective vests; and all the dogs wore tracking devices around their necks.
      We stopped. "You look as if you are ready for anything," said MyMrMallory.
      "Yeah!" said the hunter. "Why don't you follow us?"
      And we did. We watched until the hounds and the hunters in their all-terrain vehicles disappeared into the winter bushes. Wikipedia has an interesting entry on hog hunting through the ages.

Rough terrain rarely stops passionate hunters.

Banshi, a pitbull, wears a protective vest. 

Jasco and Skipper rushed into the wild when they smelled a hog.


Red Dog, the youngest and most vocal.

Red Dog announces her eagerness to run.

Hank is steady on the hood as they traverse the country in search of hogs.

       One of the all-terrain vehicles pulled a wagon in which, at the end of the hunt, they held a captured 230-pound sow to take to market.

Tracking the dogs on his GPS.

         The hunters released the hounds and all disappeared into the bushes. At this point, MyMrMallory and I turned around and returned to bird-watching on our own. 

The next morning, the wild cam made an image of a wild hog.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Nice Day for Countryside Walk

Cloudy skies, gnarly oak trees, interesting rocks covered with lichen . . . my cup of tea.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Wintry Wind

I like the effect of moving my camera as I open the shutter. 

Leafless oak tree.

Evening tree lights. 

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Yellow in the Parking Lot

Still Snow

      We've had a wintry week with snow remaining on the ground since our white Christmas.

Fortunately, Hodge has a sidewalk and keeps his paws dry 
as he returns home from doing doggy things.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Ice Formations

      Walking, um, running Hodge -- I have to say running the dog because Hodge runs, having only two speeds, zero and run -- has more potential for photos during the slow thaw of snow and ice. While he dashes (joyfully) on the snow, stopping occasionally to acknowledge a squirrel, I stoop down with my nifty little Coolpix P7700 to record some of the amazing formations that thawing ice can make.

Dripping ice from the tip of a leaf.

Broken ice on a leaf.

Hard snow on a clump of leaves fallen on the ground.

Reflection of a green door on ice formations and leaves.

Ice on concrete.

Moss thrives on the north side of my house even during these times of drought. 

Monday, December 24, 2012

Wildlife at the Creek, Four and Two-legged

     The stealth cam functioned last night. It took several pictures of wild hogs munching on the corn that MyMrMallory and I spread around. A couple of raccoons pop up in the collection of images, as well as cattle and our vehicles.

         I liked what I saw as I looked up at the ridge, so I attempted to make a photograph of it. The sun shined brightly through the cloud cover that will bring, we hope, some moisture this evening. The path below the ridge leads to the creek where we placed the stealth cam that took pictures of the animals. I improved the image in Photoshop by darkening the sky and bringing up the foreground in order to see the broomweed and other plants. 

And now the stealthcam images: 

Wild hogs enjoy the treat of corn.

Big hog on the left. 

Two raccoons. 

Cattle cross the creek in the morning. 

Approaching the stealth cam.

Wild Cam Near Possum Lake

       I made my way into the country to check on the wildlife cameras MyMrMallory and I installed near the creek. What a lovely countryside even in winter time! 

         Two deer watched me with too much curiosity, I thought, as I drove past them only seventy yards away. 

And a sweet calf exchanged glances between her mom and me. 

And what did the wildcam capture? Not much our first time.
       Never mind the year and date. I had difficulty managing the menu; the next images should show the correct data, but I'm not holding my breath, doofus at computers as I am. The flash lit up the broomweed but no creature of God. New batteries and a fresh SD card, more corn and acorns spread around, and another day watching for wildlife may reveal our visitors. 

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Grilling Evening

      MyMrMallory grills at least once per week. The joys of grilling may reflect our inherent love of watching the flames in our fire while our foodstuffs cook. Could this joy have developed millennia ago when our ancestors survived by the warmth of their fires?

MyMrMallory builds beautiful fires in our Weber grill. 

Ready to cook veggies or meat. 

Beauty of Winter

      The grandness of nature ensures that the countryside looks lovely during the sleepiness of winter.

Lichen on the south side of rocks. 

Cows, innately curious, amble over to observe us as we visit their pasture.  

Grays, browns, and some greens . . . predominant during winter. 

Jumbled rocks look as if they meant to stand together. 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

      In reference to cats, I enjoy and feel grateful to make them a part of my life. Twelve years ago -- and, My! How quickly time goes by! -- an acquaintance then living in the countryside encouraged me to adopt a kitten from a litter born in a barn. MyMrMallory and I drove out there to meet our new feline friend for a lifetime. Behind the lady's home, we walked toward a structure that for all its dilapidated looks we recognized was once a barn, long ago. Inside, there stood a tractor that I thought belonged in a museum. Underneath it we saw blurs of fur as kittens ran and jumped in and out of, and over, the tractor. I sat cross-legged watching the kittens, about ten of them. From a distance, I noted that mama cat eyed us, with either wariness or with just as much interest as we felt in her kittens. 
        The two kittens I scooped into my arms long ago grew to become an important and delightful part of my life. They are beautiful and intelligent; mischievous and naughty; distracting and humorous; loving and tolerant. They provide a certain unpredictability in my life that I cherish. They are my feline friends for a lifetime. 

Bisous sleeps under a wool blanket. 

Cocoa looks contentedly at my camera. 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

        And in between things, we study how to write poetry. I made an image of the page and pen in front of me as we sat at The Silver Lining restaurant. Here I show Roberta's poem and some of the notes I made as we attempted to improve on it.

Let Lovely Turn of Phrase Begin

JMHawley Gave Me a Kiss to Build a Dream On

Listen, will you? I think that . . . literature, poetry, music and love make the world go round . . . while mathematics explains things; I fill my life with them, then go walking in snowy woods.
Let us go then, you and I
like two etherized patients floating
through life, together feeling prufrockian.
DDB Jr. makes my world go 'round; during his absence, Pachelbel fills it up.
One summer I sailed across the Atlantic Ocean, then through the Gulf of Finland to reach Saint Petersburg; I pursued Joseph Brodsky in its alley ways. I dream of making that two summers.
I read “Biking to Electra;” found my way in a Jaguar car, and glanced at the flashing steel grasshoppers at sunset. I’ll follow K.O.P.’s footsteps after he followed N.Scott Momaday’s; find warmth and inspiration on a rainy mountain.
Throw chinese coins for the I Ching.
Save the whales, the spotted owl, the woman in toil.
Cast a fly for trout; my memories of fly fishing under the sunny blue Colorado sky remain; I yearn to build more . . . with more trophy Browns.
Listen for the swan’s calls on the Baltic Sea. Feel KKII's joy, his arms spread wide in Yazilikaya.
Good night, Jimmy Durante, where ever you are.