Except as noted, all images copyrighted by and should be attributed to E B Hawley.
I had become many eons ago a traveling literary gnome, inquisitive about places I had and had not visited,
walking the same paths of peoples from the past, through places once grand and still grand,
photographing images that now show me the places about which I still dream . . .

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Birds to Count

      Today's bird count at Lake Wichita included several hundred Ring-billed seagulls, a few Canada geese, mallards, Northern shovelers, gadwalls, Green-winged teals, Killdeers, dowagers, yellow-legs, Red-winged blackbirds, Starlings, a Cardinal, a Great-blue heron, sandpipers, Carolina wrens, Song sparrow, and two other sparrows. 
     At home, White-breasted nuthatches, Goldfinches, House finches, Robins, and a woodpecker, added to my count. 
         Pictured at top, Lake Wichita at low water level (30%) and Ring-billed gulls. Bottom photo, taken with a new wine-colored filter I bought from Ben, shows several hundred gulls standing along the opposite shore.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Portrait of Hank, Hunting Dog

During our visit to the countryside, we came upon Hank this afternoon, 
and found him with a studied look, patiently waiting to sniff for game.
He wears a GPS tracking device on his collar. His muddy
legs show that he has already trekked through the mud.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Sandhills and Cows

A fairly common scene in North Texas at this time of year.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Varied Archer

       Archer County presents varied geology and flora.
Here I show some unusual sights.

Looks like volcanic rock.

Broom-weed and prickly pear during winter.

Clay soil on a ridge.

Agave in the foreground will soon flower.

I just recently discovered this succulent with elongated cladodes, 
yet looks similar to the proliferous prickly pear. 

Soon spring will bring me out again with my camera to record its color. 

A Country for Big Owls

      Driving along the country, MyMrMallory and I came upon an owl's nest in a gnarly tree. 

She decorates her nest with mistletoe.

One can barely discern her large owl "ears."

Upon spotting our truck, she lept -- and what a magnificent leap -- out of her nest and away from us.

We explored her country. She lives on a ridge overlooking North Texas, 
where the agave and prickly pear cacti prepare to bloom. (I can hardly wait.)
Deer jostle at a pond near her nest, as shown by our wild-cams. 
I stopped to make a photo of the sedimentary rock common in her neighborhood.

Nearby, too, stand pumps, busily extracting oil, where abandoned pipes oxidize, 
around which the hardy and sweet deer step.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

White Eyelashes Near Hunter's Chair

     As I positioned my tripod and camera to make a photo of a hunter's chair in the woods, I heard a huff behind me. Turning around, I saw a cow and her little one watching me from only a few yards away. The cow and the calf appeared to feel curious. She raised her muzzle in my direction and gave me the loudest moo I have ever heard, then both walked away.
      And the photo of the chair? Not much to look at, for my first study of hunters' chairs, but a good beginning to the project I have in mind. Infrared photo post-processed in Nik's SilverEfex.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Fire in the Field

       In the field, a fire began right in front of us. As MyMrMallory phoned the sheriff, it spread with vigor.

       We hoped it would not hop over the road.

Of course, with its vigor, it jumped over the road and into the field.

The fire stopped someone's pump from working.

Firefighters doused the flames. He looks a tad bored by the small fire, but at least he got good practice.

The sky looked highly unusual above the firefighters.

                 When I leave my home with camera hanging from my shoulder, I don't know for sure what kind of pictures I will make.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Purples and Pinks Sunrise

        Shuffling out the door along with doggies, all of us sleepy, still, not quite awake from a calm night, I looked up to see the marvel of color behind the old pecan and bradford pear trees. 
Nikon Coopix7700, ISO400, f/2.5, 1/13sec, aperture priority, auto WB.

Friday, February 1, 2013

1920s - 1960s, Still Standing

      Built in the 20s; left in the 60s. Hardwood floors, green tiled roofing. How very much we wish to renovate this house where we saw a barn owl hiding in one of its closets. Clay caught it gently and released it out the door.
      "I used to have lunch on this balcony," he said. "You can see for miles from here, before the trees grew."
      Time passes, and I wondered what it felt like for someone to see his folks' place abandoned, in such disrepair . . . a mammoth skeleton in the midst of the prairie that reminds contemporary people of past wealth and perhaps, of the tender grasp of happiness and hope, both fleeting. Yet, forty years marks a long life span, and I want to think they were a good forty years in this home.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Metal In the Broom Weed.

        Heading out to the countryside wishing to spot wildlife, we came upon a couple of old cars.
They appear to be from the 50s. Post-processing with Silver Efex makes making photos like these even more fun and challenging.
         And did we spot wildlife? Yes, buffleheads, gadwalls, northern harriers, and red-tailed hawks.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

After Validating Pilot's License

       After a fun flight that included the maneuvers of stalls and emergency landings, the Scissortail sits on the ramp at sunset, ready to be pulled to 'er hangar.  H.-P. validated my license after following the WINGS program. I have another two years to fly as a qualified pilot. Fun!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Infrared January

A north Texas countryside during January.



       My ol' Scissortail sits safely in a huge, huge hangar this week while they repair a few leaky spots on the roof of my hangar. The hangar looks especially large when empty but for one small plane. Here are Ed and Daniel pushing 'er back inside after a nice flight.

        MyMrMallory took the flight controls and flew a 360-degree turn so that I could take an image of a double line of quadriped power lines leading into a power plant, an impressive sight from above, especially, as one can see the vast distance they cross. This one is near Vernon, Texas.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Finally Flying

     Four weeks! I endured four weeks sans Scissortail while the mechanics inspected, repaired, and renovated my ol' bird. Finally, MyMrMallory and I flew.

Someone took this image in Mobile showing the aircraft that raced in the 2011 Air Race Classic. That's my Scissortail there, pointy nose number twenty. (I have long felt that 'er nose resembles the nose of Jimmy Durante.)

Jump ahead to today, and here I show the shadow of my hand on the instrument panel, waving.

Through my window, the Red River.

Hodge Runs

      Eleven-year old Hodge runs joyfully in the north forty. 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Flight Lesson: How Planes Fly

      My flight instructor, Jim, emailed this diagram to me. Since I respond visually to learning, it all makes so much sense to me now.

Lichen Up Close

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Snows Reveal

    A predatory bird found dinner, perhaps, an owl or a hawk, and a squirrel, or a songbird . . . 
Snow on the roof of our shed reveals activity.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Lights Reflected on the Wing of a King Air

Made this image in Louisburg, Kentucky during a stop-over.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Mamiya Lichen

     Intriguing in their colors and most particularly in their location, my attention to the lichen on the rocks knows no end. Here they are again, taken with a Mamiya 645, 45mm lens, 1/500 sec., and some tweaking of sharpness and cropping the overblown sky in the digital darkroom.

         Gnarly rocks covered in lichen and a Mamiya: A fine combination in photography.

Let Lovely Turn of Phrase Begin

JMHawley Gave Me a Kiss to Build a Dream On

Listen, will you? I think that . . . literature, poetry, music and love make the world go round . . . while mathematics explains things; I fill my life with them, then go walking in snowy woods.
Let us go then, you and I
like two etherized patients floating
through life, together feeling prufrockian.
DDB Jr. makes my world go 'round; during his absence, Pachelbel fills it up.
One summer I sailed across the Atlantic Ocean, then through the Gulf of Finland to reach Saint Petersburg; I pursued Joseph Brodsky in its alley ways. I dream of making that two summers.
I read “Biking to Electra;” found my way in a Jaguar car, and glanced at the flashing steel grasshoppers at sunset. I’ll follow K.O.P.’s footsteps after he followed N.Scott Momaday’s; find warmth and inspiration on a rainy mountain.
Throw chinese coins for the I Ching.
Save the whales, the spotted owl, the woman in toil.
Cast a fly for trout; my memories of fly fishing under the sunny blue Colorado sky remain; I yearn to build more . . . with more trophy Browns.
Listen for the swan’s calls on the Baltic Sea. Feel KKII's joy, his arms spread wide in Yazilikaya.
Good night, Jimmy Durante, where ever you are.