Except as noted, all images copyrighted by and should be attributed to E B Hawley.
I had become many eons ago a traveling literary gnome, inquisitive about places I had and had not visited,
walking the same paths of peoples from the past, through places once grand and still grand,
photographing images that now show me the places about which I still dream . . .

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Bluebonnets and Old Buildings

The old and the new, a pleasant surprise -- and prolific -- on Seventh Street.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Blue and White Bluebonnets

Where once water was several feet deep, there grow bluebonnets.

TAMU website about bluebonnets includes mention of pink bluebonnets.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Electra Post Office Mural

    The sculptor, Allie Victoria Tennant (1892-1971), won in 1939 the commission from the Section of Fine Arts of the Department of Treasury to provide a mural for the post office in Electra, Texas. Tennant chose a triptych in bas-relief that would reflect the most relevant activities of the town, oil, ranching, and farming. Driving from Dallas to Wichita County in a Lincoln Zephyr, she spoke to everyone eager to discuss the area's history and culture with her.

An iPhone photo of a copy of the front page in 1940. 
The copy was shown to us by a lady who works at the newspaper in town. 

The facade of the building designed by Louis J. Simon (1867-1928). 
Our host's bus, MSU's Museum of Art, is reflected in the glass doors.

      Part of the facade shows a train, a plane, and a ship. The motif was designed back then by the Rodriguez brothers. The postmaster chose the theme of transportation, for Electra was built around a stop in the railroad line specifically to load cattle from the Waggoner ranch.

The bas-relief in 2015, a couple of decades after its restoration.

Friendly postmaster.

      Our lecturer, Dr. Light Cummins, explains the mural. Above him, the bas-relief shows Tennant's brothers as models, left to right, Ernest, Roger, and Tom.

Scale, original.

Delivery window.

Mail boxes.

     Dr. Cummins explained that most things in the Electra Post Office are original from the 1930s. When towns remain small, such as Electra, Quanah, they do not have the need to build a new, bigger post office. Hence, a historic building is extant, used every day, and appreciated. 

Let Lovely Turn of Phrase Begin

JMHawley Gave Me a Kiss to Build a Dream On

Listen, will you? I think that . . . literature, poetry, music and love make the world go round . . . while mathematics explains things; I fill my life with them, then go walking in snowy woods.
Let us go then, you and I
like two etherized patients floating
through life, together feeling prufrockian.
DDB Jr. makes my world go 'round; during his absence, Pachelbel fills it up.
One summer I sailed across the Atlantic Ocean, then through the Gulf of Finland to reach Saint Petersburg; I pursued Joseph Brodsky in its alley ways. I dream of making that two summers.
I read “Biking to Electra;” found my way in a Jaguar car, and glanced at the flashing steel grasshoppers at sunset. I’ll follow K.O.P.’s footsteps after he followed N.Scott Momaday’s; find warmth and inspiration on a rainy mountain.
Throw chinese coins for the I Ching.
Save the whales, the spotted owl, the woman in toil.
Cast a fly for trout; my memories of fly fishing under the sunny blue Colorado sky remain; I yearn to build more . . . with more trophy Browns.
Listen for the swan’s calls on the Baltic Sea. Feel KKII's joy, his arms spread wide in Yazilikaya.
Good night, Jimmy Durante, where ever you are.