Except as noted, all images copyrighted by and should be attributed to E B Hawley.
I had become many eons ago a traveling literary gnome, inquisitive about places I had and had not visited,
walking the same paths of peoples from the past, through places once grand and still grand,
photographing images that now show me the places about which I still dream . . .

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Little Pond on a Farm

     Jay watches the numerous bull frogs in a little pond on a farm.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Sleeping Under the Milky Way

     After an afternoon on his SeaDoo, MyMrMallory and I settled in under the stars for an evening of meteor watching. We spotted several large meteors, all one week in advance of the peak of the Perseids. Bodes well for this weekend, if the sky is clear.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Two Trees at Sunset

iPhone photo processed with Snapseed. 

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Dense Milky Way . . . Stars, Planes, Satellites

In my images, no meteors, but lots of satellites and airplanes criss-crossing the Milky Way.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

A Sailboat with Solar-powered Lights

        Intrigued by a lone sailboat, I returned to the sailing club to attempt a nice image of it. Its solar powered lights lit up the surrounding area. I wondered how it would look with the Milky Way in the background. 

      Around me, all was dark, except for the sailboat. At the top of its mast, I spotted beautiful Mars on the right, and Saturn and Antares on the left.

     A bit later in the evening, the cirrus clouds began to drift away. The Milky Way emerged above the bow. A meteor passed above it. Saturn, Mars, and Antares are still visible, now to the right of the mast. All these elements came together to make a lovely image.

Sunfish at Dusk

Golden hour over the Sunfish.

     The filter I placed over the lens emphasized the colors of the sunset. 

Monday, July 25, 2016

Milky Way at the Sailing Club

Golden hour over the sail boats. In the distance, a building thunderhead promises rain.

After sunset, I lit up these yachts with my spotlight, one by one, then merged the three images.

The stars began to show, Jupiter and Venus at right.

     A slightly blurry image, yet representative of what I saw as the sky darkened. The red lights at lower left show a wind turbine farm, and to their left, Saturn, Antares, and Mars emerged early in the evening. The Milky Way begins to peek along the left side of the image (if you squint hard enough you might see it).

    Ah, the Milky Way . . . and a meteor (to the left of the top mast), which was the third meteor I spotted. Indeed, the Perseids might have already begun, while the Scutids and Capricornids are under way.

     Jim Livingston said, "The magic is in the post-processing," while discussing how to best make images of the night sky. It is a difficult genre, and magical, too, and these two things compel me to return to view and photograph the night sky.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Golden Hour on an Escarpment

Update: Of all panoramas I found on my delightful excursion through the countryside, I prefer the ones below, both consisting of three images stitched in Photoshop. Focal length, 70mm.

Moonrise Over Cliff

Moonset Over the Wind Turbines

     At left, a full moon sets; at right, on the other side of the power line, small red lights in the distance show the wind turbines

Hawk Supervisor: Watering Corn

A hawk takes off when I stop my truck to watch it and the knee-high corn. 

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Lesser Prairie Chicken

Photo taken earlier this year. 

Amid the sunflower plants, the male rests a bit before beginning his dance.

Earlier posts about the Lesser Prairie Chicken, April 2016 and April 2014.

Let Lovely Turn of Phrase Begin

JMHawley Gave Me a Kiss to Build a Dream On

Listen, will you? I think that . . . literature, poetry, music and love make the world go round . . . while mathematics explains things; I fill my life with them, then go walking in snowy woods.
Let us go then, you and I
like two etherized patients floating
through life, together feeling prufrockian.
DDB Jr. makes my world go 'round; during his absence, Pachelbel fills it up.
One summer I sailed across the Atlantic Ocean, then through the Gulf of Finland to reach Saint Petersburg; I pursued Joseph Brodsky in its alley ways. I dream of making that two summers.
I read “Biking to Electra;” found my way in a Jaguar car, and glanced at the flashing steel grasshoppers at sunset. I’ll follow K.O.P.’s footsteps after he followed N.Scott Momaday’s; find warmth and inspiration on a rainy mountain.
Throw chinese coins for the I Ching.
Save the whales, the spotted owl, the woman in toil.
Cast a fly for trout; my memories of fly fishing under the sunny blue Colorado sky remain; I yearn to build more . . . with more trophy Browns.
Listen for the swan’s calls on the Baltic Sea. Feel KKII's joy, his arms spread wide in Yazilikaya.
Good night, Jimmy Durante, where ever you are.