Guys, I have been using the 18-200mm, AF-S Nikkor 1:3.5-5.6 G ED for a while now, but I don't seem to like it as much as my other lenses. I don't mind lugging it around, but I do mind the quality of it, which doesn't seem as high as I thought. It is the kit lens to the D200 I bought last year. I've been reading forums looking for anything anyone may have said about it. Anyone have two cents worth to pass along? Thank you! Posted Apr 08, 2007 at 02:38 PM
That thread looks like a good response. Alan. Posted Apr 08, at 2:54 PM
Welcome Eli
well this gets batted around here Very often
Too bad that Nikon gets a short shrift here at FM , this lenshas been out for almost a year and still not in the FM review section yet
try this on for size, folk either love or hate this lens:
I am snotty I guess , I hated it
J. Posted Apr 08 at 2:57 PM
Opinions are all over the place.
If you expect to push it to the extremes (wide open at 200mm) and want results like a prime you are likely to be unhappy. If you shoot to its strengths you can likely get acceptable or much better results. There is one poster here (gugs) who is a big advocate of the lens.
Check it out.
If you did a search under his name and "18-200" or something you will probably get
dsicussion that interests you as this is not his fist thread on the subject.
Personally I think I will pick one up for an "all in one" vacation lens.
Edit: well a few folks beat me to post and are sending you to same thread(s) but I will just leave it as is.
Posted Apr 08, 2:59 PM
If you shoot to its strengths
Wise words that I apply to every lens and body that I now own, or have ever owned.
Marc Posted Apr 08, 3:45 PM
I initially got it to try and make the best compromise between coverage and budget. For $750, it covers a lot of bases, and pretty darn well. It's also small and light, so you only need to carry it around to travel light. Once you taste the sugar and want more, the spending begins. Once you've spent, it becomes the versatile carry lens. I've even thought of getting a D40 just to make a small and light package for when I don't want to lug the boat anchor.
Look at the selling prices new and used since it came out. It's just now becoming available for list price of $749 from $900-1,000 used. That says volumes. Posted Apr 08, 3:55 PM
Indeed I am a big advocate of that lens. I also use "real" pro lenses but I still find that this lens is a fantastic allround compromise. Sometimes you just can't carry all your gear or you just need the flexibility of the range to react fast - no time to switch lenses - that's what I appreciate. And even if IQ is not perfect, it is pretty good to me...
A few threads I posted with 18-200VR pictures:
Africa II
Turkey II (two fisheye shots and one 12-24 shot in the middle)
Trains in the Canadian rockies
and as a conclusion: among my fav pics with that lens:
playing with DOF is not possible with such a lens (I'm getting cynical - my apologies for that)
and as a real conclusion, I am just laughing when I read that people find this lens almost unusable for serious stuff (even if I have to agree that I have better lenses in my bag, my A3 printouts of some of those pics are pretty nice and detailed)
I rest my case
Guy Posted Apr 08, 6:26 PM
I'm totally with you gugs. I've been using mine for nearly a year, and only find it's real weakpoints for my work in really low light situations or when I need a faster action shot at longer distance (200mm). Posted Apr 08 9:05 PM.
The IQ on this lens is pretty good, but it's well-profiled on DxO, which gives it darn-near prime quality. Posted Apr 09 6:51 AM.
After considering your thoughts and views, I've concluded that I've been pushing it too hard in low light and at its full length. Otherwise, I've found that it is a handy lens to carry around all day and on travel. Thanks to you all! :-) Posted Apr 09, 6:56 PM.