It's just that ever since I moved to Texas in 1984 I have developed an increasing interest in its history and people; so, when the Kemp Center for the Arts and the MSU Museum of Art collaborate on a field trip to visit artists and art museums within a two hour drive -- I cannot resist going in lieu of attending lecture by a fabulous professor. Yes, it is a difficult decision, a tug of interests: Reduce my ignorance in South and Southwest literature or reduce my ignorance in regional art? I visited Joe Barrington at his home and studio, met his lovely wife JJ -- whose striking work caught my attention -- then met Bonnie Siebert at her house and studio. I chatted with them about their work, listened as they told me tidbits about life in general, and felt intrigued by everything. At the end of the field trip I had the opportunity to see JJ's work in Albany: Several photographs of women in several poses, with and without suitcases, either returning or leaving, sitting on the [sidestep] of a 50s car, or walking up (or down) the railroad. JJ asked the viewer to ponder about the circumstance of the women in the photos; I said, they're too smart to remain in one place and they need to see the world. JJ responded that if that's what I felt they did, then that's what they did. Cool exercise that made me wonder what other women thought about the subjects in the photos.
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