I made my way across the street after looking at the T3 owned by Guy with Beard.
Fluff has been around for while helping me pick up pecans. I noticed this morning she has found a mate; the two of them have been cavorting along the fence and in the courtyard. As they say, he found himself a good catch, for she lives in a nice tree, protected all around by fencing, and has a bowl of water nearby. Entertainment is provided by the spaniel's constant attempts to climb the fence.

Upon leaving the building, John scampered down ahead of me, as he often does, frisky fellow; I asked him to look up for me.

Yesterday I spotted the elusive Petunia the Skunk skulking among the petunias. After all these years, I discovered that Petunia is really a male, so I've renamed him Petunio.

I've kept my nose in books lately. Victorian Period with Dr. Ponytail and History of the English Language with Dr. Hair have delighted me these past few weeks. I've managed, though, to squeeze in a bit of photography. I'm delighted with the new Nikons D3 and D300 which I use alternately.
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