A stone marker (circa 1878) indicates to travelers from Decatur that they have sixteen miles more of territory to cover before arriving in Archer City. Beginning approximately in the year 1849, people traveled along this route from Fort Smith, Arkansas, to California.

The Royal Theatre in downtown Archer City still holds shows. Stop by one evening.

View from behind the old jail house in Archer City, now the Archer County Museum. The building served as a jail from 1910 to 1974. The American Legion maintained the building until they gave it to the city.

Eryops lizard from the Permian found in Archer County by Jack Loftin, curator of the Archer County Museum.

The first oil well drilled in Archer County became the longest producing well in Texas. For sixty-nine years, from 1911 to 1980, it pumped oil from a shallow production zone. (Miller-Andrews No. 1 Oil Well)

Spudder driller from 1946. The rotary driller replaced the spudder.

Detail on the 1946 spudder.

Tractor sitting behind the Archer County Museum.

Printing press.

The V-bar brand from the Taylor Ranches. At any one time, Taylor owned several thousand head of cattle.

Upstairs in the museum, the bars of the jail remain in place.

Mary Ann told us that the drunk tank door had the shiniest door handle and the fewest squeaks when opened. The first inmate in the jail house was a horse thief. The jail had a gallows, fortunately never used, for in 1911 Texas passed a law against hanging.

An old clock.

Looking outside one of the windows of the third floor, I glimpsed our motorcycles.

Next stop? We headed around Lake Arrowhead and then had tacos at La Michoacana.
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