The countryside in Texas blooms with Bluebonnets.

There are several species of Bluebonnet. Above, I show the Texas Bluebonnet. The red dot indicates the flower has pollinated.

Many species of flowers cover the countryside.

I would say which flower I picture above, but I left my flower book somewhere among the flowers in the countryside. P.S. It is Prairie Verbena.

Lark Sparrow standing on the stone.

A calf seemed content to rest on the grass.

Other calves approached us looking for a treat.

MyMrMallory hurried to close the gate before the cows followed us through in search for a treat.

Nearby an American Turkey stomped toward the highway.

This angle and the timing of the Purple Martin may make some of us think he's leaving a jet condensation trail, as jets do at 30,000 feet.

Purple Martins up close in a picture I took last year.

Bewick's Wren.
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