Bell tower of Midwestern State University framed by new foliage and awesome clouds.

Driving by Stevens' sculpture of the mustangs I had to grab this shot. The cloudy sky softened the lighting on the sculpture while the sprinkler system created a haziness that added interest to the landscaping.
May is Motorcycle Awareness Month. I wish every month was Motorcycle Awareness Month. Motorists, do look out for an increasing number of motorcycles sharing the roads with you. Motorcyclists, wear your helmets and ride safely.
Very difficult to see in this photo, but I know you'll believe me when I write that on the grass are two Yellow-headed Blackbirds. They are finally in town, and I was delighted to show MyMrMallory the beauty of their color.
Speaking of color, Texas is still covered in great color. Several species of flowers grow and look gorgeous within a square foot. Here, Indian Blanket show off among Verbena and Coreopsis, among other species.
Plains Blackfoot -- the white bunch -- and is that a Bluebells plant standing behind it?

Texas Bluebonnet, Indian Paintbrush, and the yellow flowers are Lemon Paintbrush.

Note the seed pods on the stem of the Texas Bluebonnet.

The grass has grown tall and fast after a winter with abundant moisture, concealing cacti blooms.

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