I traveled to the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge with a group of wonderful and cute people.
"Love makes the world go 'round." I love saying that expression and I love the Earthlings that/who express it just by living, such as these two lizards; the male holds his front paw over the female's. He sunned on the rock when he saw her approaching through the grass. In one leap, he met her and then brought her to the top of his rock. They twirled around, nosed each other, then sunned together for a while, paw over paw.
Impressive-looking dude.
Visit AustinDunnPhotography.com for remarkable photography of this canyon.
Photographic and poetic meanderings along the countryside or while flying an airplane.
Except as noted, all images copyrighted by and should be attributed to E B Hawley.
I had become many eons ago a traveling literary gnome, inquisitive about places I had and had not visited,
walking the same paths of peoples from the past, through places once grand and still grand,
photographing images that now show me the places about which I still dream . . .
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Gnome in Dallas and Fort Worth
We met with Karl at the Meadows Museum in Dallas. Afterwards, I could not help but think of the expression "like two ducks in a pond" when I saw this easy shot of two ducks asleep in the water -- or snoozing while unaware of my stealthy approach with my camera. I used the Nikon D80 with an 18-55mm lens. Then I drove to Fort Worth.
Folks admire the exhibits at the Arts Festival on Main Street in Fort Worth.
I adore this picture.
A fellow photographer lurked among the other visitors to the Arts Festival. He had hung around his neck the strap to a Nikon D2xs. Now, you know a person feels serious about photography when s/he uses a D "to excess" as I call it. I used the strap to my D200 on my D80 -- not having found the right strap to the camera as I rushed out of the house earlier that morning; so, when he said: "The jewel of Nikon," I did not feel sure if he meant the D200 or the D80. I would have asked him, but he disappeared in the crowd. Frankly, I prefer the D200 over the D80, and hold the D2xs as the best of all, except to take on all-day trips (it's heavy).
Folks admire the exhibits at the Arts Festival on Main Street in Fort Worth.
I adore this picture.
A fellow photographer lurked among the other visitors to the Arts Festival. He had hung around his neck the strap to a Nikon D2xs. Now, you know a person feels serious about photography when s/he uses a D "to excess" as I call it. I used the strap to my D200 on my D80 -- not having found the right strap to the camera as I rushed out of the house earlier that morning; so, when he said: "The jewel of Nikon," I did not feel sure if he meant the D200 or the D80. I would have asked him, but he disappeared in the crowd. Frankly, I prefer the D200 over the D80, and hold the D2xs as the best of all, except to take on all-day trips (it's heavy).
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
After the Storm at Noon
Friday, April 20, 2007
Gnome Remembers Ibarbourou
Porque es áspera y fea,
porque todas sus ramas son grises
yo le tengo piedad a la higuera.
En mi quinta hay cien árboles bellos,
ciruelos redondos,
limoneros rectos
y naranjos de brotes lustrosos.
En las primaveras
todos ellos se cubren de flores
en torno a la higuera.
Y la pobre parece tan triste
con sus gajos torcidos, que nunca
de apretados capullos se viste...
Por eso,
cada vez que yo paso a su lado
digo, procurando
hacer dulce y alegre mi acento:
"Es la higuera el mas bello
de los árboles todos del huerto".
Si ella escucha,
si comprende el idioma en que hablo,
¡Que dulzura tan honda hará nido
en su alma sensible de árbol!
Y tal vez, a la noche,
cuando el viento abanique su copa,
embriagada de gozo le cuente:
"Hoy a mí me dijeron hermosa".
This magnolia tree barely survived a freeze we suffered a few years ago. Slowly it has looked healthier. But every day that I see it, I think of the poem written by Ibarbourou about the fig tree in her garden; I say aloud to my magnolia that it is the most beautiful tree in my garden.
When this dog has this look, I wonder what in doggy world runs through his mind. I took this photo when he just came down from the window. There seemed a lot of squirrel activity outside. Squirrel, anyone?
The wind moved the branches above the rose bush. As the branches swayed, the lighting from the setting sun differed in shade and intensity. I took several photos -- hastily -- in an attempt to capture every possibility given to me by the changing conditions.
Porque es áspera y fea,
porque todas sus ramas son grises
yo le tengo piedad a la higuera.
En mi quinta hay cien árboles bellos,
ciruelos redondos,
limoneros rectos
y naranjos de brotes lustrosos.
En las primaveras
todos ellos se cubren de flores
en torno a la higuera.
Y la pobre parece tan triste
con sus gajos torcidos, que nunca
de apretados capullos se viste...
Por eso,
cada vez que yo paso a su lado
digo, procurando
hacer dulce y alegre mi acento:
"Es la higuera el mas bello
de los árboles todos del huerto".
Si ella escucha,
si comprende el idioma en que hablo,
¡Que dulzura tan honda hará nido
en su alma sensible de árbol!
Y tal vez, a la noche,
cuando el viento abanique su copa,
embriagada de gozo le cuente:
"Hoy a mí me dijeron hermosa".
This magnolia tree barely survived a freeze we suffered a few years ago. Slowly it has looked healthier. But every day that I see it, I think of the poem written by Ibarbourou about the fig tree in her garden; I say aloud to my magnolia that it is the most beautiful tree in my garden.
When this dog has this look, I wonder what in doggy world runs through his mind. I took this photo when he just came down from the window. There seemed a lot of squirrel activity outside. Squirrel, anyone?
The wind moved the branches above the rose bush. As the branches swayed, the lighting from the setting sun differed in shade and intensity. I took several photos -- hastily -- in an attempt to capture every possibility given to me by the changing conditions.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Gnome Thinks Vermejo
Wildlife Observation plus Interaction with Trout equals Experience in Nature -- Traveler Literary Gnome's Interest has Peaked; Will Pack Fly Rod and Camera.
Gnome in the Garden
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Mr. Mallory's Jaw Bone
Monday, April 16, 2007
Gnome at Home
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Monday, April 9, 2007
Helpful Comments from Fred Miranda Forum Photographers
Guys, I have been using the 18-200mm, AF-S Nikkor 1:3.5-5.6 G ED for a while now, but I don't seem to like it as much as my other lenses. I don't mind lugging it around, but I do mind the quality of it, which doesn't seem as high as I thought. It is the kit lens to the D200 I bought last year. I've been reading forums looking for anything anyone may have said about it. Anyone have two cents worth to pass along? Thank you! Posted Apr 08, 2007 at 02:38 PM
That thread looks like a good response. Alan. Posted Apr 08, at 2:54 PM
Welcome Eli
well this gets batted around here Very often
Too bad that Nikon gets a short shrift here at FM , this lenshas been out for almost a year and still not in the FM review section yet
try this on for size, folk either love or hate this lens:
I am snotty I guess , I hated it
J. Posted Apr 08 at 2:57 PM
Opinions are all over the place.
If you expect to push it to the extremes (wide open at 200mm) and want results like a prime you are likely to be unhappy. If you shoot to its strengths you can likely get acceptable or much better results. There is one poster here (gugs) who is a big advocate of the lens.
Check it out.
If you did a search under his name and "18-200" or something you will probably get
dsicussion that interests you as this is not his fist thread on the subject.
Personally I think I will pick one up for an "all in one" vacation lens.
Edit: well a few folks beat me to post and are sending you to same thread(s) but I will just leave it as is.
Posted Apr 08, 2:59 PM
If you shoot to its strengths
Wise words that I apply to every lens and body that I now own, or have ever owned.
Marc Posted Apr 08, 3:45 PM
I initially got it to try and make the best compromise between coverage and budget. For $750, it covers a lot of bases, and pretty darn well. It's also small and light, so you only need to carry it around to travel light. Once you taste the sugar and want more, the spending begins. Once you've spent, it becomes the versatile carry lens. I've even thought of getting a D40 just to make a small and light package for when I don't want to lug the boat anchor.
Look at the selling prices new and used since it came out. It's just now becoming available for list price of $749 from $900-1,000 used. That says volumes. Posted Apr 08, 3:55 PM
Indeed I am a big advocate of that lens. I also use "real" pro lenses but I still find that this lens is a fantastic allround compromise. Sometimes you just can't carry all your gear or you just need the flexibility of the range to react fast - no time to switch lenses - that's what I appreciate. And even if IQ is not perfect, it is pretty good to me...
A few threads I posted with 18-200VR pictures:
Africa II
Turkey II (two fisheye shots and one 12-24 shot in the middle)
Trains in the Canadian rockies
and as a conclusion: among my fav pics with that lens:
playing with DOF is not possible with such a lens (I'm getting cynical - my apologies for that)
and as a real conclusion, I am just laughing when I read that people find this lens almost unusable for serious stuff (even if I have to agree that I have better lenses in my bag, my A3 printouts of some of those pics are pretty nice and detailed)
I rest my case
Guy Posted Apr 08, 6:26 PM
I'm totally with you gugs. I've been using mine for nearly a year, and only find it's real weakpoints for my work in really low light situations or when I need a faster action shot at longer distance (200mm). Posted Apr 08 9:05 PM.
The IQ on this lens is pretty good, but it's well-profiled on DxO, which gives it darn-near prime quality. Posted Apr 09 6:51 AM.
After considering your thoughts and views, I've concluded that I've been pushing it too hard in low light and at its full length. Otherwise, I've found that it is a handy lens to carry around all day and on travel. Thanks to you all! :-) Posted Apr 09, 6:56 PM.
That thread looks like a good response. Alan. Posted Apr 08, at 2:54 PM
Welcome Eli
well this gets batted around here Very often
Too bad that Nikon gets a short shrift here at FM , this lenshas been out for almost a year and still not in the FM review section yet
try this on for size, folk either love or hate this lens:
I am snotty I guess , I hated it
J. Posted Apr 08 at 2:57 PM
Opinions are all over the place.
If you expect to push it to the extremes (wide open at 200mm) and want results like a prime you are likely to be unhappy. If you shoot to its strengths you can likely get acceptable or much better results. There is one poster here (gugs) who is a big advocate of the lens.
Check it out.
If you did a search under his name and "18-200" or something you will probably get
dsicussion that interests you as this is not his fist thread on the subject.
Personally I think I will pick one up for an "all in one" vacation lens.
Edit: well a few folks beat me to post and are sending you to same thread(s) but I will just leave it as is.
Posted Apr 08, 2:59 PM
If you shoot to its strengths
Wise words that I apply to every lens and body that I now own, or have ever owned.
Marc Posted Apr 08, 3:45 PM
I initially got it to try and make the best compromise between coverage and budget. For $750, it covers a lot of bases, and pretty darn well. It's also small and light, so you only need to carry it around to travel light. Once you taste the sugar and want more, the spending begins. Once you've spent, it becomes the versatile carry lens. I've even thought of getting a D40 just to make a small and light package for when I don't want to lug the boat anchor.
Look at the selling prices new and used since it came out. It's just now becoming available for list price of $749 from $900-1,000 used. That says volumes. Posted Apr 08, 3:55 PM
Indeed I am a big advocate of that lens. I also use "real" pro lenses but I still find that this lens is a fantastic allround compromise. Sometimes you just can't carry all your gear or you just need the flexibility of the range to react fast - no time to switch lenses - that's what I appreciate. And even if IQ is not perfect, it is pretty good to me...
A few threads I posted with 18-200VR pictures:
Africa II
Turkey II (two fisheye shots and one 12-24 shot in the middle)
Trains in the Canadian rockies
and as a conclusion: among my fav pics with that lens:
playing with DOF is not possible with such a lens (I'm getting cynical - my apologies for that)
and as a real conclusion, I am just laughing when I read that people find this lens almost unusable for serious stuff (even if I have to agree that I have better lenses in my bag, my A3 printouts of some of those pics are pretty nice and detailed)
I rest my case
Guy Posted Apr 08, 6:26 PM
I'm totally with you gugs. I've been using mine for nearly a year, and only find it's real weakpoints for my work in really low light situations or when I need a faster action shot at longer distance (200mm). Posted Apr 08 9:05 PM.
The IQ on this lens is pretty good, but it's well-profiled on DxO, which gives it darn-near prime quality. Posted Apr 09 6:51 AM.
After considering your thoughts and views, I've concluded that I've been pushing it too hard in low light and at its full length. Otherwise, I've found that it is a handy lens to carry around all day and on travel. Thanks to you all! :-) Posted Apr 09, 6:56 PM.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Amateurs Play: Micheal Hawley
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Gnome Meets Writer Badger
Badger is the satyrist in my life. At our last meeting, he read a story that poked fun at a well-to-do woman in town. He based the story on what she did – was it last year? – when she hung her wheel on the ramp of the parking garage as she left dinner to go to the symphony. "One too many martinis," she kept repeating as she grasped her steering wheel and cried. And I remember that evening: My Mr. Mallory and I sat in the auditorium wondering why they delayed the orchestra, when suddenly a large group of people walked in – some looking tipsy – and sat in their seats. Not until they sat did the orchestra begin to play.
As it turns out, the alcoholic in the car blocked the way of many symphony ticket holders. They had to wait for someone to remove her car – a Jaguar, of course – before they could leave the building. These ne'er'do-well alcoholics give Jaguar owners a bad name.
Anyway, back to Badger. He wrote his story based on this woman and her foolish behaviour. There is a scene that makes me chuckle: It has to do with the repo man who's boss has called him to remove the car from the parking lot ramp. At the moment of the phone call, the repo man is busy removing a car from the driveway of a wealthy couple; their maid has not paid for the car and so he's repossessing it. The old man looks out the window and sees the repo man. He feels appalled by the truck and the chains and the car being pulled away –- but does he feel appalled for the "right" reason, namely, the poverty suffered by his pitiable maid, or her negligence in her finances? No, he fears what the neighbors might think -- of him. So, he grasps the centuries-old sword above the mantel and shuffles out the front door in his houseshoes, his old and puny arms barely able to hold the sword above the ground. The repo man sees the old man shuffling toward him, struggling with the sword. The repo man puts his arm around the old man's shoulder, turns him around, and starts taking him back into the house. (The unexpectedly calm response by a character, in this case the repo man, seems typical of Badger in his work – actually, anything unexpected seems quite typical of Badger's work.)
Enter another character, the old man's wife, who has pushed a flower pot over the railing. The pot has fallen on the repo man, causing him to fall unconscious with a serious cerebral hematoma. This is where Badger leaves us in his story, to be continued next time.
Later, as I chuckled over what I remembered about the story, I found myself remembering the evenings that we've gone to the symphony. We have to park far away, and it's bad enough negotiating the steep hill we have to walk down, and then up, without having to contend with those drunks in their vehicles trying to find a place to park. They are full of wine and coctails after their dinners and they've come to the symphony unable to drive, and worse, the effect of alcohol makes them feel belligerent toward the pedestrians. They have become the only thing I dislike about our symphony. I hail our satyrist when he writes stories based on their foolish behaviour.
As it turns out, the alcoholic in the car blocked the way of many symphony ticket holders. They had to wait for someone to remove her car – a Jaguar, of course – before they could leave the building. These ne'er'do-well alcoholics give Jaguar owners a bad name.
Anyway, back to Badger. He wrote his story based on this woman and her foolish behaviour. There is a scene that makes me chuckle: It has to do with the repo man who's boss has called him to remove the car from the parking lot ramp. At the moment of the phone call, the repo man is busy removing a car from the driveway of a wealthy couple; their maid has not paid for the car and so he's repossessing it. The old man looks out the window and sees the repo man. He feels appalled by the truck and the chains and the car being pulled away –- but does he feel appalled for the "right" reason, namely, the poverty suffered by his pitiable maid, or her negligence in her finances? No, he fears what the neighbors might think -- of him. So, he grasps the centuries-old sword above the mantel and shuffles out the front door in his houseshoes, his old and puny arms barely able to hold the sword above the ground. The repo man sees the old man shuffling toward him, struggling with the sword. The repo man puts his arm around the old man's shoulder, turns him around, and starts taking him back into the house. (The unexpectedly calm response by a character, in this case the repo man, seems typical of Badger in his work – actually, anything unexpected seems quite typical of Badger's work.)
Enter another character, the old man's wife, who has pushed a flower pot over the railing. The pot has fallen on the repo man, causing him to fall unconscious with a serious cerebral hematoma. This is where Badger leaves us in his story, to be continued next time.
Later, as I chuckled over what I remembered about the story, I found myself remembering the evenings that we've gone to the symphony. We have to park far away, and it's bad enough negotiating the steep hill we have to walk down, and then up, without having to contend with those drunks in their vehicles trying to find a place to park. They are full of wine and coctails after their dinners and they've come to the symphony unable to drive, and worse, the effect of alcohol makes them feel belligerent toward the pedestrians. They have become the only thing I dislike about our symphony. I hail our satyrist when he writes stories based on their foolish behaviour.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
An Office for Gnome
Tomorrow I begin work at my new office. I will sub-let from my Mr. Mallory. He already had a desk, a lamp, and a couple of bookshelves there. First things in my office, Oxford English Dictionary and Diccionario de la Lengua Espanola de la Real Academia. Good to have a quiet place conducive to yielding results in my work.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
RUINS! Finally.
One of the tallest ruins in the Yucatan peninsula, the "Big Hill" stands approximately 42 meters.
The view from inside the pyramid.
The ancient Mayas built this structure to honor my favorite god, Chac Mool.
On our way to Coba, we stopped by a "cenote" and rapelled to the bottom.
We entered a cave that the ancients regarded as an entryway into the consciousness of Mother Earth. Visitors swim in the crystal, light green water found at the bottom.
The shops looked enticing to the people seeking souvenirs.
Two shopkeepers in Tres Rios take care of their accounting business.
We found two children feeding a crocodile, then despaired while they looked at us and not at the croc, whose maw had begun to open wide.
The view from inside the pyramid.
The ancient Mayas built this structure to honor my favorite god, Chac Mool.
On our way to Coba, we stopped by a "cenote" and rapelled to the bottom.
We entered a cave that the ancients regarded as an entryway into the consciousness of Mother Earth. Visitors swim in the crystal, light green water found at the bottom.
The shops looked enticing to the people seeking souvenirs.
Two shopkeepers in Tres Rios take care of their accounting business.
We found two children feeding a crocodile, then despaired while they looked at us and not at the croc, whose maw had begun to open wide.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Cancun, Thrilling Cancun.
This voyage turned out differently than the one meticulously planned by Orvis Expeditions. Since I have been here, I have discovered the wonderfulnesses of Cancun. First one, it sits close to the Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza, designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage site in 1988. Yesterday, I visited the Coba group of ruins. My interest in visiting ruins -- any ruins -- distracted me from other details, such as other activities that Olympus Tours had scheduled for the day. I vaguely remember Gabriel, the nice fellow at the Hilton's travel agency, saying to me that I needed to take a swimsuit and a towel. I barely listened to him; I'm going to see the ruins, not swim, I kept in the back of my mind. I vaguely remember the mention of rapelling and zip-lining; I'm going to see the ruins, I kept thinking. Other people rapell and zip-line, not me.
At seven-thirty in the morning, I stood outside the lobby of the hotel, checking my camera, when Michel approached me.
"Hi, I'm your tour guide." I boarded a van with other passengers, otherwise known here as "pax-es," who seemed from the beginning like a jolly bunch. Michel had fourteen of us, every one from different hotels.
Our drive to our first stop, the Tres Rios cenote, took approximately one and a half hours. I felt mostly interested in photography, but became increasingly aware that I would rapell down the edge of the cenote. Without any contention, I stepped into the brace, then followed Michel and the group to the drop point. He gave us instruction on how to do rapelling, then reached over and clamped the clasp on my brace. "Oh, dang, well, I'll get it over with first."
The process of rapelling does not seem as frightful once you "sit down" and stretch your legs. The brace and the ropes gave me a sense of security that I kept all the way down to the bottom, where two men waited for me. I did not need any assistance steadying myself once my feet touched the ground. I moved to the side a few meters and took some photographs of the others in my our group, including Michel rapelling upside down.
We returned to the lip of the cenote by stairway. Not content with rapelling, we then zip-lined across the opening of the hole, about three hundred yards. Michel again clamped the clasp on my brace first, before anyone else, and gave us instruction on zipping down the line. More importantly, he told us how to break. He added that the heavier people will go down faster, and encouraged them to pull the break steadily enough to slow them down toward the end of the ride.
It feels odd to zip-line. I focussed like an eagle on my destination. I felt aware of my surroundings, but I dared not take my eyes off the end of my line, where several men waited for the rapellers. Next time, I will look down and all around me at the bottom and the walls of the cenote.
From there we boarded the van again and made our way to a mangrove. I sat in the same kayak with Michel, and left the dock the last ones. He paddled behind me while I took photographs.
Around the bend, we found Marianne and Steven. Steven is hopelessly and unabashedly urban. He's also a ham and a comic, a lot of fun to have in one's company. They had become stuck at a tight curve in the canal. "I was never a boy scout," said Steven, while Marianne tried with her paddle to extricate their kayak from their odd angle in the waterway. Michel paddle up to them a rope to the bow of their ship, then towed them all they way to our destination.
From there, we walked through the forest to reach a cave. The Mayans believe that the cave represents an entryway to the consciousness of Mother Earth. A man named Pedro blessed us and spread Frankincense incense all around us. The photograph below shows my attempt to record the inside of the cave. I managed to capture the Tyndall effect, though it looks a little blurry. We crouched to enter through the small opening at the top of the stairs (right).
Climbing back up through the opening, I became entangled with my camera strap. Thankfully I avoided injury, but sacrificed my sunglasses instead of my body. I watched them disappear into the darkness below me. I sat outside in the sun figuring that leaving something behind inside the consciousness of Mother Earth cannot seem too bad, when Michel popped out of the opening with my glasses in his hand. Oh, well, Mother Earth returned them knowing I would need them.
Visitors can swim inside the cave. The water looks beautiful in its crystal light green.
I'm pretty sure we had lunch right after the swim in the cave. By then I felt plumb tuckered out and antsy about seeing the Coba ruins. The food, I do remember, made by local women, tasted fresh and healthy.
Finally, though, we arrived in Coba. The larger pyramid stands two kilometers from the entrance. They provide bicycles and bicycles with large seats driven by men. I chose a single bike, and somehow made my way to the pyramid. They have many paths, and they all look similar. My bike fell over just before I opened the shutter to photograph the path.
I have heard on a number of occasions the question, "What was she thinking????" I started asking myself what in the world was I thinking when I began to set foot before foot, hand before hand, on the steps of this very steep, very tall pyramid. Only twenty steps up sparked an uncomfortable sense of vertigo that only felt worse as I climbed each step. From below, I heard Marianne saying, "Save your energy. You'll need it on your way down. It's worse coming down." Next to me, Steven grunted his way up the steep steps. "Keep going, Elizabeth," he'd say. The comments he made often, even under his own duress, seemed comical, and I laughed in spite of my vertigo, all the way up to the top.
Then he made me laugh as we crawled back down, me backwards on all four, and he on sitting down from step to step.
In the meantime, the two little girls in our group climbed the pyramid, passing us at least twice on their way.
At seven-thirty in the morning, I stood outside the lobby of the hotel, checking my camera, when Michel approached me.
"Hi, I'm your tour guide." I boarded a van with other passengers, otherwise known here as "pax-es," who seemed from the beginning like a jolly bunch. Michel had fourteen of us, every one from different hotels.
Our drive to our first stop, the Tres Rios cenote, took approximately one and a half hours. I felt mostly interested in photography, but became increasingly aware that I would rapell down the edge of the cenote. Without any contention, I stepped into the brace, then followed Michel and the group to the drop point. He gave us instruction on how to do rapelling, then reached over and clamped the clasp on my brace. "Oh, dang, well, I'll get it over with first."
The process of rapelling does not seem as frightful once you "sit down" and stretch your legs. The brace and the ropes gave me a sense of security that I kept all the way down to the bottom, where two men waited for me. I did not need any assistance steadying myself once my feet touched the ground. I moved to the side a few meters and took some photographs of the others in my our group, including Michel rapelling upside down.
We returned to the lip of the cenote by stairway. Not content with rapelling, we then zip-lined across the opening of the hole, about three hundred yards. Michel again clamped the clasp on my brace first, before anyone else, and gave us instruction on zipping down the line. More importantly, he told us how to break. He added that the heavier people will go down faster, and encouraged them to pull the break steadily enough to slow them down toward the end of the ride.
It feels odd to zip-line. I focussed like an eagle on my destination. I felt aware of my surroundings, but I dared not take my eyes off the end of my line, where several men waited for the rapellers. Next time, I will look down and all around me at the bottom and the walls of the cenote.
From there we boarded the van again and made our way to a mangrove. I sat in the same kayak with Michel, and left the dock the last ones. He paddled behind me while I took photographs.
Around the bend, we found Marianne and Steven. Steven is hopelessly and unabashedly urban. He's also a ham and a comic, a lot of fun to have in one's company. They had become stuck at a tight curve in the canal. "I was never a boy scout," said Steven, while Marianne tried with her paddle to extricate their kayak from their odd angle in the waterway. Michel paddle up to them a rope to the bow of their ship, then towed them all they way to our destination.
From there, we walked through the forest to reach a cave. The Mayans believe that the cave represents an entryway to the consciousness of Mother Earth. A man named Pedro blessed us and spread Frankincense incense all around us. The photograph below shows my attempt to record the inside of the cave. I managed to capture the Tyndall effect, though it looks a little blurry. We crouched to enter through the small opening at the top of the stairs (right).
Climbing back up through the opening, I became entangled with my camera strap. Thankfully I avoided injury, but sacrificed my sunglasses instead of my body. I watched them disappear into the darkness below me. I sat outside in the sun figuring that leaving something behind inside the consciousness of Mother Earth cannot seem too bad, when Michel popped out of the opening with my glasses in his hand. Oh, well, Mother Earth returned them knowing I would need them.
Visitors can swim inside the cave. The water looks beautiful in its crystal light green.
I'm pretty sure we had lunch right after the swim in the cave. By then I felt plumb tuckered out and antsy about seeing the Coba ruins. The food, I do remember, made by local women, tasted fresh and healthy.
Finally, though, we arrived in Coba. The larger pyramid stands two kilometers from the entrance. They provide bicycles and bicycles with large seats driven by men. I chose a single bike, and somehow made my way to the pyramid. They have many paths, and they all look similar. My bike fell over just before I opened the shutter to photograph the path.
I have heard on a number of occasions the question, "What was she thinking????" I started asking myself what in the world was I thinking when I began to set foot before foot, hand before hand, on the steps of this very steep, very tall pyramid. Only twenty steps up sparked an uncomfortable sense of vertigo that only felt worse as I climbed each step. From below, I heard Marianne saying, "Save your energy. You'll need it on your way down. It's worse coming down." Next to me, Steven grunted his way up the steep steps. "Keep going, Elizabeth," he'd say. The comments he made often, even under his own duress, seemed comical, and I laughed in spite of my vertigo, all the way up to the top.
Then he made me laugh as we crawled back down, me backwards on all four, and he on sitting down from step to step.
In the meantime, the two little girls in our group climbed the pyramid, passing us at least twice on their way.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Iggy and a Walk Around the Hilton Cancun
Iggy came out of his home under the sidewalk to greet the day and say hello. After chatting, he climbed up on the grass to have his breakfast of freshly caught insects.
At the very end of the lobby, I found this wonderful fresco.
To the left of the carreta, the building appears to lean due to lens distortion; the carreta itself leans to the left, too.
The water seemed unusually choppy this morning, so much so that some of the people in jetskis returned to the shore.
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Let Lovely Turn of Phrase Begin
JMHawley Gave Me a Kiss to Build a Dream On
Listen, will you? I think that . . . literature, poetry, music and love make the world go round . . . while mathematics explains things; I fill my life with them, then go walking in snowy woods.
Let us go then, you and I
like two etherized patients floating
through life, together feeling prufrockian.
DDB Jr. makes my world go 'round; during his absence, Pachelbel fills it up.
One summer I sailed across the Atlantic Ocean, then through the Gulf of Finland to reach Saint Petersburg; I pursued Joseph Brodsky in its alley ways. I dream of making that two summers.
I read “Biking to Electra;” found my way in a Jaguar car, and glanced at the flashing steel grasshoppers at sunset. I’ll follow K.O.P.’s footsteps after he followed N.Scott Momaday’s; find warmth and inspiration on a rainy mountain.
Throw chinese coins for the I Ching.
Save the whales, the spotted owl, the woman in toil.
Cast a fly for trout; my memories of fly fishing under the sunny blue Colorado sky remain; I yearn to build more . . . with more trophy Browns.
Listen for the swan’s calls on the Baltic Sea. Feel KKII's joy, his arms spread wide in Yazilikaya.
Good night, Jimmy Durante, where ever you are.
Listen, will you? I think that . . . literature, poetry, music and love make the world go round . . . while mathematics explains things; I fill my life with them, then go walking in snowy woods.
Let us go then, you and I
like two etherized patients floating
through life, together feeling prufrockian.
DDB Jr. makes my world go 'round; during his absence, Pachelbel fills it up.
One summer I sailed across the Atlantic Ocean, then through the Gulf of Finland to reach Saint Petersburg; I pursued Joseph Brodsky in its alley ways. I dream of making that two summers.
I read “Biking to Electra;” found my way in a Jaguar car, and glanced at the flashing steel grasshoppers at sunset. I’ll follow K.O.P.’s footsteps after he followed N.Scott Momaday’s; find warmth and inspiration on a rainy mountain.
Throw chinese coins for the I Ching.
Save the whales, the spotted owl, the woman in toil.
Cast a fly for trout; my memories of fly fishing under the sunny blue Colorado sky remain; I yearn to build more . . . with more trophy Browns.
Listen for the swan’s calls on the Baltic Sea. Feel KKII's joy, his arms spread wide in Yazilikaya.
Good night, Jimmy Durante, where ever you are.