Loaded up the dogs and headed to Lake Kickapoo with MyMrMallory.
A Mockingbird sits on the rain gauge.

Nearby, a Golden-fronted Woodpecker hopped from limb to limb on an old Mesquite tree.

I'm keeping an eye on the female Red-tailed Hawk roosting in a tree across the inlet.

The Purple Martins have arrived. I counted three couples yesterday.

White-crowned Sparrows seemed numerous, and usually with a Harris' or two tagging along with them.

I brought inside some cuttings from the berry tree the Cedar Waxwings visit every spring.

It started to snow while an immature White-crowned sparrow picked at the flowers. I took this shot through the screen of the window.

Rufous-sided Towhee, Eastern type; at home I spotted the Western type earlier this year.

This picture shows the reason why we call this type of Northern Flicker "Red-shafted."

It snowed all day on Saturday.

The Cardinals hunkered in the bushes against the strong wind.

Carolina Chickadee in a Pecan Tree.

I photographed a group of Cedar Waxwings in the Cottonwood tree at the end of the day.
MyMrMallory kept the fire going as it snowed.

On our way home we spotted a prancing turkey through the thick Mesquite. Like most my photos of turkeys, this one shows one walking away from me.

Lesser Yellow-legs.
I identified the following species at Lake Kickapoo: Bewick's Wren, White-crowned Sparrow, English Sparrow, Harris' Sparrow, Golden-fronted Woodpecker, Pelicans (flying overhead), House Finch, American Coots, Mockingbirds, Cardinals, Red-tailed Hawks (3), Virginia's Warbler, Gray or Bell's Vireo, Rufous-sided Towhee (Eastern type), Cedar Waxwings, Purple Martins, Red-winged Blackbirds, Grackle, Snow Geese, Cormorant, Canada Geese, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Starlings, Ring-necked Turtle Dove, or an Eurasian Collared Dove (but I lean toward the Ring-necked because it looked white instead of light brown), Yellow-rumped Warbler (also known as Butter-butt), American Goldfinch, Male Northern Flicker, Gull (flying overhead), American Robin, Brown Thrasher, ducks (flying overhead), Kingfisher, Great Blue Heron, Carolina Chickadee. Last week I spotted a Red-headed Woodpecker in the Cottonwood tree. On my way home on Highway 367 I spotted Meadowlarks, blackbirds, Kestrel, Lesser Yellowlegs, and American Turkeys.
Great blog Liz! Looks like you got a nice set of photos there.