The federal government has changed the laws in regard to scheduling mammograms. A woman may now schedule annual mammograms directly with her favorite imaging center, rather than ask her physician to schedule them for her.
Doctor's Other Half invited me to join her and Sweet Cheeks for a tour of the mammogram center at United Regional Hospital.
A certificate of excellence recognizes the improvements in mammography in recent years, most particularly those practiced by the United Regional Hospital.

The friendliness of the technicians, or "breast navigators," ameliorates any fright one might feel upon entering past the caution sign into this cold, clinical room. So would the act of engaging a "navigator" to "explore" one's breasts seem striking enough to ameliorate any feelings of fear by keeping one's mind preoccupied by the meaning of words. Technological changes occur more quickly than a society can adapt, and linguistics play a key role in the changes. That a technician would assist a man or woman in "navigating" in search of masses seems simple enough to understand once I assimilated the new use of the term "navigator," for, indeed, one "explores" the breasts as methodically as one studies a map.

The image shows a mass. Among the eighty-year old population,
one in five women develop breast cancer.

Animals and men, not just women, may develop breast cancer.
Ellen, the "breast navigator," articulated something that not many people have yet conceived, saying that one must take action, or be pro-active, with one's health in order to remain healthy.
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