Passing the time enjoyably at my hobby of photography while MyMrMallory mowed the grass in front of his hangar, I walked to the hangars known as "Skid Row" for some shots.
Along came a crotchety fellow on a golf cart, and stopping next to me he said, "I am the owner of this airport and I want to know what makes you come here and take pictures."
"It's my hobby. I am an amateur. I don't sell anything," I said.
"And you think you can come out here to this airport and take pictures?" He said.
"We own a hangar on the other side of that row," I said. I think I said that to avoid any more conflict, but I really wanted to say in my usual jaunty way, "Why, of course!" I wonder now how he would have responded.
"Oh. I didn't recognize you."
The crotchety fellow sees me every Sunday at Dave's house. His manner toward me at the airport came as no surprise, but it reflects an aspect of the life of a photographer. Some people feel friendly toward a person who carries a camera, and while few and far between, others express themselves in an unfriendly way. To be sure, the ones who come at one feel they are defending their territory, and as photographers one should act above reproach, at least as politely as one's tolerance can allow. Indeed, one should also keep in mind that photography may be suppressed at most airports, particularly public airports, and if seen with camera, expect an officer, or a member of airport staff to approach to say photography is not allowed.
Nice series Elizabeth. I know what you mean, a lot of people do react differently. One day I was out in Iowa Park shooting a female northern harrier hunting. I parked my vehicle off the side of the road and began taking pictures. A few moments later, I highway patrol pulled up to my car and aked me what I was doing. I explained to him the bird (which he scared off) and even showed him the photographs. He decided I wasn't a threat, turns out the house I was parked infront of called the police. They were worried I was trying to photograph into their house! Ridiculous! Oh well, I'll stop ranting now. Sorry for the long post. Again great captures.