He looks as if he has very big feet from this angle, but the rendering by the artist looks beautiful. Who knows the history behind the creation of the stained glass windows at the church MyMrMallory and I attend? And today, who knows the history behind the pictograms? I asked the present reverend deacon today to show me the allusions on some of the panels, but he did not know the story behind them. I asked the present sub deacon about the panels and to which stories in the Bible they referenced, but he did not know either. If the clergy does not know, the church-goers . . . do they know? And if not, the intended education of the artistry is thus nullified. The conception and creation of stained glass windows came into existence because centuries ago people could not read the written word, and the pictograms served to tell them, to remind them, of the stories in the Bible. Today, though people can read the written word, they do not assimilate the words, and the educational importance of the windows remains. For now, the windows make the church a pretty place in which the church-goers can sit every Sunday morning. I have taken it upon myself to gather historical and biblical information about the windows for a publication.

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