Easily, the Rhino drove through this wheat field . . .

. . . and gathered wheat seeds as a combine would gather them.
We encountered several gates, most of which were creative in their method of latching.

Some gates required the wit and strength of two men to close.

We visited several lakes. I call this one Turkey Lake, for an American Turkey took flight as we approached.

Here I show a view characteristic of the Red River region.
There remains the abandoned barn. Note the corrugated zink, the wood underneath it, and holding it all up, the stones.

The barn may seem a bit crude in its structure, but at least it has electricity.

Recycle everything. A license plate nailed to the bottom of a doorway covered a hole in the wood.

Time and storms pass by.

Flowers remain prolific in the Texan countryside. (Yay.)
Great series Elisabeth. I really like the reflection of "Turkey Lake".